Rosco Eye-Max LP™ Cross View Mirror System Featured on Fox NY News Segment

Rosco Eye-Max LP™ Cross View Mirror System Featured on Fox NY News Segment
Queens, NY - April 25, 2012 -Rosco, Inc., one of North America’s leading suppliers of mirrors, visors, and other visual safety systems to the worldwide commercial vehicle market, Eye-Max LP™ Cross View Mirror System, appeared on Fox NY News on Monday, April 23, during a segment regarding the New York law s3151-2011 requiring cross view/convex mirrors on large trucks driven in New York City.
The segment highlighted the fact that it has been three months since Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law that qualifying trucks in New York City should have a crossover convex mirror so drivers can see blind spots in front of them. However, many trucks still don’t have the safety mirror and are not compliant.
For a copy of the New York law s3151-2011, click on:
For more information on Rosco Convex or Crossover Mirrors, click on:
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